Plant Covers For Frost Protection

Plant Covers For Frost Protection 1

Exposure to frost can be lethal for plants so it’s important to use a protective cover in order to shield your plants from the cold. The frost typically occurs during the night, after the temperature drops below freezing and reaches moisture that’s on the plant. Plant covers for frost protection are necessary to keep the moisture from freezing, and you should cover plants when they are vulnerable to frost with a high-quality frost cover.

There are a lot of different brands of plant covers for frost protection on the market, but it’s important to know that not all of them are of good quality. The best type of cover will shield your plants from intense cold and wind as well as prevent moisture from freezing.

Below is a list of plant covers we recommend and some typical questions related to frost protection for plants.

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Will a tarp protect plants from frost?

A tarp may not be the best choice for a plant cover since they do not shield plants from harsh winds and cold temperatures. However, they can be used in conjunction with another type of cover as long as the tarp is placed on top. This will add some extra frost resistance to your plant if it’s really cold.

A greenhouse frost sheet may be a better option since it will shield plants from cold and wind, but there are other types that offer more protection like piped row covers or plastic tarps with bubble wrap inside.

Will frost kill newly planted trees?

Tree frost resistance will depend on the species, so you should research whether or not a tree needs additional protection. But in general, newly planted trees can survive temperatures as low as -25 degrees Fahrenheit without any modifications to their environment. An exception might be made for a very freshly planted young sapling that hasn’t had a chance to get a good solid, deep root system or is planted too shallow.

The good news is, most trees, even the small vulnerable saplings, are usually pretty adept at surviving cold snaps, frost, or overwintering on their own.

At what temperature should I cover my plants?

Cover your plants when the temperature goes below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to check a local weather forecast for accurate temperatures in your area. This only accounts for certain species of plants and it vary by region. Some plants are far more hearty than others. In fact, Some may even require it to continue their growth cycles.

Do your research on the plants you have in your garden.

Can frost-damaged plants be saved?

Yes, frost-damaged plants can be saved. Sometimes the only thing that needs to happen is a quick thaw and they will spring back to life with little or no damage done. However, that’s not always going to be the case. It’s important not to take any chances when temperatures dip below freezing for long periods of time. Or if it’s even expected in a future forecast.

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