How to Grow Scallions: A Guide for Beginners

Last Updated on April 24, 2021 by cmoarz

How to Grow Scallions

Scallions are a type of onion, but they have a milder taste with a little bit more bite. They can be eaten raw in salads and on sandwiches, cooked in stir-fries and other dishes, or they can be used as an ingredient for flavor. If you’re looking to grow scallions at your home garden this year, then read on!

How to grow scallions

There are two ways that you can grow scallions, from seed or as a cutting. Scallion seeds should be planted in the fall to get a head start on growing before spring arrives. You’ll need about six weeks for your seedlings to mature and then be ready for planting out into the garden after it has warmed up sufficiently during early April. If you prefer not to wait until March-April just so that you can plant them outside, then feel free to transplant your scallions outside at any time between now and late autumn!

A row spacing of 16 inches is recommended when planting these guys; this will allow for good air circulation among plants while still ensuring an adequate amount of space between rows. Planting depth-wise, scallions should be planted about half as deep as the height of your seedlings.

Watering is a crucial step in keeping them healthy, and a daily watering schedule will help ensure that they are never under-watered or over-watered. What you want to do is water them thoroughly so that each plant can absorb between one and two inches of water before needing more for another day or two. If it has been raining heavily, then allow an extra day without watering since rainwater should be adequate.

Some gardeners like to mulch their rows with straw after planting; this helps keep moisture levels high while also suppressing weeds from growing alongside your precious vegetables. Mulching too soon could inhibit growth though, so it is best to wait until your plants are at least six inches tall before mulching.

Another factor that can affect scallion growth is the amount of sunlight they receive. If you have a lot of sun, then thinning out some rows may be necessary to allow for better light penetration since taller plants will shade those in the front row. But if you find yourself with not enough sun, then try planting them alongside a north-facing wall or fence to give them more light during daytime hours when there isn’t any direct sunshine on your garden area!

If you decide you want to use cuttings instead to cut back on the time it takes for your scallions to grow, all you need is some new growth from the stem of an established plant. Using a sharp knife or pruner, cut off about three inches below where the leaves meet the stem on each side and then place in damp soil with at least one inch above ground level. In order to make sure your plants are healthy before moving them onto their permanent home after they’ve grown roots, be sure to water frequently so that the soil stays moist! Once rooted, transplanting should only take a few minutes.

Cuttings will save you much more time than starting with seed, but you will need a mature scallion to get the newest growth. Make sure that there isn’t any disease present on an established mother plant – it can easily be transferred onto your cutting and then spread throughout your garden!

So what do we know? You now have all of the knowledge you need to grow healthy delicious scallions from both seeds or cuttings.

Knowing which one is right for you depends on how much time (and patience) are available when deciding whether to start from scratch or use something already grown. But don’t let this decision keep you up at night! Onward brave gardener…

How to Harvest Scallions

Cut the plants about an inch from the base of the scallion’s leaves. It is not necessary to remove the tough outer skin before eating them, but you can if desired.

Chop and cook with other vegetables or enjoy raw on a salad for added color! Try using these versatile scrumptious greens as part of your diet this year!

How to extract seed from scallions

Only choose mature scallions that have started to flower. These will look round and fluffy. Chop the flowers off and place them in a paper bag. Allow the flowers to dry for several days and shake them occasionally. The seeds should fall out of the petals once they’re dry enough!

Store these in an airtight container until ready to use next year! You can also plant some scallion seedlings now, if you want more plants sooner rather than later!

Final Thoughts: Scallions are easy-to-grow vegetables that will add flavor and variety to your diet all growing season long – without taking up too much of your time or space in the garden. Try experimenting with different varieties this year, such as ‘Evesham Red, ‘ ‘Shorty’ or the traditional long white variety.

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