When you visit the mountains with your dog, you may connect with nature and to your pet in a unique way, as well as allowing your canine to experience a new environment. If you believe that going for a walk makes your canine beam, wait till he or she goes camping!

Camping with a dog entails several responsibilities and precautions that you should be aware of. There are procedures to follow and limitations to adhere to, as there are on any journey with your pet. We must all camp in a considerate manner, taking into account our animal’s abilities, and accept responsibility for them.

Here are some guidelines for making your dog’s camping excursion as safe and enjoyable as possible.

TRAVEL TIME (Aka getting there in one piece!)

  • Before you go camping with a dog, get him or her used to the RV or tent. Even if it’s a drive around town to a park or pitching a tent in your backyard, do a trial run. Consider going on a weekend trip with your dog before heading off on a week-long journey.
  • Secure your dog in the car or RV, and if you’re traveling in an RV, keep items inside so they don’t fall and scare or alarm your pet.
  • Plan ahead for your dog’s needs, as well. Allow for bathroom breaks, drinking water, a snack and stretching its legs at regular intervals throughout the journey. Take note of congested or noisy resting areas that may upset your dog.
  • With a “wait” or “stay” command, teach your dog to get in or out of the truck or RV.
  • Always double-check that there is adequate ventilation, shade, and water available if you must leave your dog in a car or RV for a significant length of time. Consider adding a sign in the window that says “he has water and airconditioning” so no one breaks your window in a false sense of heroism.
  • Pack your dog’s bed, blanket, and toys to make its journey feel more like a vacation at home.
  • Finally, reassure your dog that he or she is safe, cared for, and loved. Reinforce this with lots of hugs kisses and treats.


  • Have your pet’s medical records on hand or easily accessible. Inquire about the closest animal hospital that will accept emergency cases or do some research ahead of time.
  • Keep an eye on your dog’s health and behavior, as well as any indications of nervousness, agitation, or fear.
  • Educate yourself about the potential negative consequences of encountering animals, plants, and insects. Make sure you know what’s poison or dangerous.
  • Consider purchasing a pet-friendly mosquito repellent to protect your dog from ticks, fleas, and intestinal worms. Prepare a tick removal tool, dog shampoo, and a de-skunk kit or shampoo just in case. Don’t let unpreparedness ruin your camping trip!
  • Bring any medication your dog might need, as well as antidiarrheal and cleaning supplies and rags in case of spills or incidents. Bag’s are also a plus and you can never have enough.
  • Allow your dog enough exercise and rest. Make sure it has a cool, dark place to sleep where it’s comfortable and ventilated, and quiet.
  • Remove any remaining dog food after feeding and get rid of it or store it in an area that. This prevents any potential pests and insects from being attracted to your campsite and bothering you or your dog.
  • While the majority of state parks allow dogs, there are some that do not. It’s a good idea to check with a park before bringing your dog along on any excursion; some don’t allow it at all. Many wilderness areas do not welcome canines due to intimidating terrain, possible encounters with bears or cougars, and the potential for injury.


Pets are not permitted at every campground in the United States. Before you depart, find out what the pet rules are at your selected destination(s).

The following are some typical general rules and etiquette you will find in most campsites that campers should follow:

  • Keep your dog on a leash and obey the campground rules for ‘no-go’ and on-leash areas, as well as any additional restrictions that may apply. They exist for a reason!
  • Always use caution when leaving your dog alone in the RV or tent unless it is well-trained to be on its own. Don’t forget what we said above about air conditioning and water requirements.
  • For the sake of your neighbor’s peace and for its own safety, leash your dog when visiting the campsite. There may be other dogs running around because they didn’t follow the rules, which could end badly if your dog goes on the chase.
  • Do not allow your dog to bark continually. Neighbors and wildlife may be irritated by continuous barking. There may be noise rules and other considerations at the campground of your choice, So do prior research.
  • Always clean up after your dog, and use biodegradable doggie waste bags. Place pet feces in designated trash bins.


  • Attach your dog’s leash to a sturdy dog tie-out, a large tree or RV handle. You can also create a doggie zipwire between trees so your dogs leash can slide along a larger area while remaining tied up.
  • Remove items that may get tangled in your dogs leash.
  • Keep your dog at a safe distance from the campfire. If your dog is afraid of the smoke, be courteous and move it away from the wind. If the wind changes, move your dog to avoid smoke inhalation.
  • Be sure to pick the best one for your breed of dog. If you have a little dog, consider buying a portable doggie pen.


It’s always exciting to go camping with your pet, especially when it’s your first time! Would these items make your dog very happy on its pet packing list?

  • Backpack for hiking
  • Dogtent/travel bunk bed is a folding tent that can be carried easily.
  • Sleeping bags for dogs
  • Travel bag for food, scent sealed, and waterproof.
  • Portable dog water bowl
  • Raincoats/paw covers and cold-weather clothing
  • Dog towels and wipes
  • Reflective vests and collars for dogs, as well as light attachments to their collars.
  • Life jacket for dogs

Remember, at the end of the day, Most of the same things you need in a hiking trip are the same things your dog needs.

This includes warmth, Food, Water, Protection, Health, and Aid.

As a living being, your dog needs to be healthy before you bring him on the trip. Make sure he is in good health by taking it to a veterinarian first.

Also, take some time to train him before embarking on this journey with him so that he knows what is expected of him and always listens to his owner’s commands. Training can be done in the comfort of your own backyard.

When you are in the actual camping trip, remember to keep an eye on your beloved partner always! Dogs move really fast when they run around so make sure he doesn’t go too far or get hurt by falling down cliffs or other dangerous surfaces.

Also take note that dogs need rest just like us humans, give them enough rest and let them enjoy themselves for a while. Make sure they have not been overexerted before going back to sleep.

To make him feel safe and at home there, build a doghouse where he can curl up and snuggle inside it with his sleeping bag. A pillow will also make a good addition to his bedding accessories. You may want to hang a dog toy in it for him to play with when he gets tired of sleeping.

If you are outside wandering in the woods, keep your dog leashed at all times so that it does not get lost or run away to places where you cannot see him anymore.

Also, take note that some wild animals may attack us when they are roaming around. If you notice any animal lurking around your campsite, be sure to teach your dog how to behave when they come up close to them. You don’t want anything bad happening to him while you’re asleep do you?

Your dog will act like a great early warning system when they sense anything or someone is near.

While camping can be a great time for you and your dog to bond together, make sure that he is also having fun during this trip as well, otherwise, he may get bored and want to go home early. So make sure you pack enough toys for him to play with around the campsite area. It’s a vacation for both of you!

Additional FAQ

Camping with a dog where does he sleep

A dog can be taught to sleep inside your tent. However, since it is the first time that your dog will be sleeping in this strange environment, it may take some time for him to get used to. Consider setting up his doghouse beside the entrance of your tent so he can easily step in and out when he needs to do so.

You can also set up a tent in your backyard (if you have one) and let the dog practice going in and out of it several times before you take him with you on the actual camping trip.

Additionally, If you are going to have your dog in your tent, It’s wise to put down a blanket or some sort of covering so his claws do not puncture the bottom of your tent.

You can also purchase a dog tent to keep for this special occasion.

What are the best treats to feed my dog when camping?

When camping, make sure you pack healthy snacks to give to your dog whenever they do what is expected of them. This way, it will motivate them to cooperate more while on the trip with you. 

Also, consider packing something that both of you can enjoy like beef jerky or other types of meat that come in sticks because these are easy for you and him to chew on when hungrily waiting out there in the woods for dinner time near nightfall.

What should I bring so my dog doesn’t get lost?

Before embarking on your journey, Ensure your beloved pet has an ID Tag stitched into his collar so if he gets lost by accident, he has an easier time getting back to you.

What is a dog whistle and how do I know which one to use?

When camping, it may be difficult to bark out orders loudly enough for your dog’s sensitive ears so consider purchasing a whistle that can carry his attention over the sounds of nature. This will help him focus more on what you are trying to say rather than worrying about all the sudden noises outside in the woods.

What do you do with your dog while camping?

Hitting the trails

Your dog will love exploring the area during your camping trip especially if it is to a place that they haven’t been before. So be sure to let them do their thing and go outside and roam around for a bit while taking in all the new scents that surround them. 

Also, there are thousands of other dogs out there that you can meet as well so feel free to talk with other pet parents out there as well and make some new friends backpacking buddies.

Lots of campsites have extensive trail systems you can walk on with your dog for hours and hours on end giving him lots of exercises.

Visiting the beach or lake.

If you are camping near a beach area or lake, swimming is a great way to give your dog some extra exercise. You can even make it more of a game for him by throwing in some sticks or balls for him to fetch out on the water. 

If your dog isn’t a strong swimmer, consider purchasing a dog life vest so he won’t drown in the middle of all his fun.

This is mandatory if you intend to go out on a boat and away from the shoreline. No dog can make it back to shore from the middle of a lake without the aid of a flotation device, and it’s not worth the risk!

Going boating or kayaking with your dog.

Boating or kayaking is another fun activity for you and your dog. However, if you are boating or kayaking with your pet via deep water, it’s best to purchase a doggy life vest so he can easily float if need be.

Exploring local parks in the area.

Some campsites will have a lot of parks in the vicinity so feel free to let your dog run off-leash around them where he is allowed. This will give him an opportunity to get out all his energy!

Enjoying an outdoor meal and make something special for the pupper too!

Camping is supposed to be fun for the whole family, and one of the most fun things about camping is the food. So go ahead and make fido a nice steak or fish and give it to him.

This is camping and you and your dog should enjoy this time together and not worry about calories or anything like that! Just make sure he doesn’t choke on any bones.

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